One of the many heartbreaking effects of trying to create solutions to counter the destruction of animal habitat is that the animals often wait for years to see if they're safe. Then people declare the solution a failure and move on to the Next New Thing. But when they wait, animals often start using the new pathway, or safe fence, or discover the new prey, abandoning their domestic animal meals.
So everybody gets pretty excited when a human solution works. Hence the picture that flew around the world extolling the virtues of the "elk crossing" solution in Banff, Alberta Canada.
Only it isn't true.
It's even better than that. This is not a wildlife corridor built by animal-lovin' engineers. It's the Canadian Pacific Railroad overpass; according to local residents the elk and other wildlife have learned to use the railroad bridge to safely cross the busy highway.
Source:, my favorite Myth-busting site.
Smart Elk.